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Welcome to Scripture Union Kenya

Scripture Union Kenya is an interdenominational and international Christian organization, which is part of the global SU movement that is working in more than 130 countries in the world. SU was first introduced in Kenya in the 1930s although it was not until 1967 that it was formally registered under the Society’s Act.

SU Kenya, like other SU movements, across the world, undertakes its activities through a variety of specialist ministries around the world in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ and in reliance on the Holy Spirit.

Our Strategic Areas

SU Kenya is currently serving the wider Kenyan community in the following areas:

Bible Ministry

Imagine what it would mean to have a child, a young person or a parent have a sense of hope and faith…

Family Ministry

SUK - Family Ministry is committed to the promotion of wholesome relationships at the home, healthy…

Children Ministry

Each child has a God-ordained purpose to fulfill on earth. And most enter the world having a pigment…


Bible Clubs




Global Presence




Latest From Our Blog

“No one heals himself by wounding another.” – Saint Ambrose

Rev. Paul Muoki

Bullying impedes the academic and spiritual development of children. Bullies target children in schools,…

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Janet's Story...

Shem Kalafa

My name is Janet, a born again Christian, and also a volunteer of Scripture Union of Kenya. I have volunteered…

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My walk with Scripture Union...

Shem Kalafa

My name is Joshua. I am 15 years old. I am in Form Two class, at Njabini Boys High School in Nyandarua.…

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